an image of a sri symbol on a blue background

What is BGI?

Bio-Geometric Integration is an approach, through which we as chiropractors are able to utilize in congruence with hundreds of other techniques in chiropractic. “Bio” meaning biology of the body, “geometric”, the geometry of the body (how its organized)and “integration” the process of fully experiencing a situation or moment in time and moving past it. If something goes unprocessed these experiences are stored as potential energy in the structures of the body. This includes our ligaments, tendons, fascia, organs and the spine. So with BGI we are looking not only at your spine but the tissues and how they relate to the spine and body overall. We do this because quite literally EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. Thus, giving us more information to understand what is going on and what is being affected. By looking at the WHOLE picture rather than one system alone. This creates a more complete adjustment and they will hold longer or better.

a graphic depiction of the body's energetic geometry
More about BGI